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Privacy Policy

Our business name is UCG Underground Supplies LLC. We are the owner of our web site,, and, respectively. All information provided in this Privacy Policy pertains to UCG Underground Supplies LLC and and

This Privacy Policy describes our collection, use, disclosure, retention, and protection of your personal information. It applies to any UCG Underground Supplies LLC site where this Privacy Policy appears in the footer, and to any UCG Underground Supplies LLC application, service, or tool (collectively "Services") where this Privacy Policy is referenced, regardless of how you access or use them, including through mobile devices. By using our Services and/or registering for an account with us, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, and you are consenting to our collection, use, disclosure, retention, and protection of your personal information as described in this Privacy Notice. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of other companies and organizations who advertise our services, and who may use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to serve and offer relevant ads.

I. General

A. UCG Underground Supplies LLC (“UCG”) takes User privacy seriously and takes reasonable efforts to protect your privacy. We have created this Privacy Policy (“Policy” or “Policies”) in order to share with you our information collection and use practices. Please read these Policies carefully before sharing any personally identifiable information described below.

B. These Policies apply solely to the web site located at or (“web site”) and do not otherwise affect, limit, or alter the Contract Documents between UCG and its customers. Since this is a growing web site and because Internet technologies are constantly evolving, these Policies are subject to change at any time and any changes will be posted on this page. To the extent there is a conflict between these terms/Policies and the Contract Documents, the Contract Documents shall control and govern.

C. These Policies work hand-in-hand with and incorporate by reference the Terms of Use, found elsewhere on the UCG web site.

II. Definitions

The following words used in these Policies shall have the following meanings:

1. "Personal Information" shall mean all data and/or information provided by and about User.

2. "UCG web site" shall mean all web sites on which UCG provides products, information and/or services (“Services”).

3. "UCG User" shall mean all registered Users and/or Customers of UCG Underground Supplies LLC.

4. "UCG Products, Information and Services" shall mean all products, information and/or services provided by UCG.

5. "Registration Information" shall mean the Personal Information Users are required to give to UCG in the registration process, in order to access our web site services.

As used in these Policies, (a) the word “or” is not exclusive, (b) the words “consent” and “approval” are synonymous, (c) the word “including” is always without limitation, (d) all monetary amounts are denominated in United States dollars, (e) neuter words should be construed to include correlative feminine and masculine words, (f) words in the singular number include words in the plural number and vice versa.

III. What Personally Identifiable Information Does UCG Collect and How Is It Used?

A. In order to use the services provided by UCG, you will be asked for certain personally identifiable information such as name, e-mail address, shipping and billing address, credit card and other information. For example, when you create an account, the information you provide may be used by us to communicate with you.

B. If you provide us with your personally identifiable information, you are giving us permission to use that information for the specific purpose for which it is provided and for any other purpose described in this Privacy Policy, which are described in detail below. Users unwilling to provide personally identifiable information online can choose not to provide such information, and in some (but not all) situations users may be able to work with a sales representative or customer service representative to utilize our Services or other offerings without providing personally identifiable information. In addition, if you do provide us with your personally identifiable information, you have the ability to prevent us from sharing your information with third parties if you wish, as described below.

BC. UCG will not collect personally identifiable information from Users while you use the web site unless you voluntarily provide it to us or authorize us to collect such information. For example, if you purchase products or services, you will be required to provide information to complete the purchasing transaction.

CD. UCG may use or disclose User’s personally identifiable information to:

1. operate and manage the web site;
2. provide products/information/services that have been requested; or
3. respond to inquiries or requests.

DE. We may disclose personally identifiable information in the establishment or exercise of legal rights or defenses against legal claims, to comply with applicable laws or regulations, to comply with a valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order or to investigate suspected fraud or a violation of our Terms of Use. We will never sell User Information to any third party not affiliated with UCG, without consent, except in connection with the sale or merger of UCG or the division responsible for such services provided.

EF. UCG may also use such information for marketing their products and services to you ONLY IF you have 'opted in' to receive such marketing information from us.

FG. UCG may, from time to time, send or post surveys or requests for User feedback in order to help us make our web site and services better. Any responses we receive from Users will be used only to evaluate our web site and services and no personally identifiable information from respondents will be shared with any non-employees of UCG.

GH. UCG may, from time to time, send notices about special offers, promotions or contests. If you sign up to participate in these offers, promotions or contests, we will collect your e-mail address. If you are chosen for a promotion or as a winner in a contest, you give UCG permission to use your name, image and other information about you for marketing purposes.

I. If you participate in any online forum/communities, chat sessions and/or blogs, or otherwise post in any user comment field visible to other users of our Services, any information that you submit or post will be visible to and may be read, collected or used by others who use our Services. We are not responsible for any information, including personally identifiable information, you choose to submit in any such user comment field.

IV. What Non-Personally Identifiable Information Do We Collect and How Is It Used?

A. UCG does collect and track certain non-personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to, IP numbers and browser type, access times, domain names, usage habits and other information which does not specifically identify any individual.

B. UCG may use and disclose non-personally identifiable information for any number of reasons, including but not limited to, working with business partners and improving our web site and services.

V. Does UCG Have A Newsletter?

A. UCG regularly sends out newsletters or weekly status e-mails (collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Newsletter(s)") to all UCG Users (that 'opt-in'). In these Newsletters, we may inform you about new features from UCG and about the upcoming week's specials, if any.

B. From time-to-time, we may provide our e-mail lists (newsletters & special offers) to our service providers, which in turn provide us with specialized services, such as e-mail message deployment, merge-purge (identifying and removing duplicate addresses) of lists, statistical analysis and other data processing. Please be assured that the information you give us or that we collect about you in connection with your subscription to our electronic newsletters and/or special offers will not be shared with any third party, except with our service providers and then for the purposes stated in the above Privacy Pledge

BC. You may choose to unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by sending an e-mail to the link provided at the end of each Newsletter.

D. Commercial electronic messages that are sent from or accessed in Canada, including emails and text messages (“CEMs”), may be governed by Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (“CASL”). CASL requires that any CEMs sent to Canadian recipients in connection with our Services comply with certain consent and informational requirements. Consent may either be implied or express. Examples of implied consent to receive CEMs include (i) your having purchased something from us within the past two years, (ii) your subscription to our web site or (iii) your giving us your business card. You provide express consent when you affirmatively elect to receive CEMs in response to a clear solicitation to do so. When applicable, UCG will ask for your express consent to receive CEMs, and will respect your decision. Under any circumstances, however, you have the right to withdraw your consent by completing any provisions of the opt-out section below.

VI. Does UCG Use Cookies and Web Beacons?

A. Cookies are small text files that a web site can write to your computer. Web beacons are often-transparent graphic images, usually no larger than a 1x1 pixel that are placed on a web page or in an e-mail, used to monitor the behavior of the user visiting the web site or receiving the e-mail. UCG may use cookies and web beacons to identify you and allow you to log in once to our web site and search or post without having to log in again.

B. In order to better understand traffic patterns on any site owned and operated by UCG, we may analyze our site activity to obtain overall usage statistics. These usage statistics provide us with certain information obtained through the use of cookies and from data within the browser string (information contained in every user's browser). Information we may collect from the browser string includes domain name, browser type, operating system, geographic origin, referring domain and MIME type. Cookies allow us to track behavior on the site to determine content preferences and usage patterns. This information is for internal consumption and, if at all, is only shared with third parties on a statistically aggregated basis.

BC. Cookies are also used by our affiliates to identify you as a User of UCG.

CD. UCG does not use cookies or web beacons to store information such as credit card numbers, telephone numbers, or other information you provide. To maintain your privacy, you can disable your browser's ability to accept cookies.

E. Certain websites and other technology can track their users over time. Do Not Track (“DNT”) mechanisms allow internet users to control and/or prevent the tracking of their online activities. As DNT relates to your use of our Services, we cannot guarantee that our site has the capability to recognize or respond to web browser DNT signals and other similar mechanisms.

DF. Our advertisers and third-party partners may use cookies or web beacons on the UCG web site or an external web site. We have no access to or control over these cookies and web beacons, hence, we will not be responsible for their use or misuse by them.

EG. This Policy covers the use of cookies and web beacons by UCG. It does not cover the use of cookies or web beacons by any other third party or advertiser.

VII. Is My Information Private with UCG Merchants and Advertisers?

A. The UCG web site may contain links to various other third-party web sites and the external web sites of our advertisers and/or third-party partners. Each of these web sites may have a Privacy Policy that differs from that of UCG. The privacy practices of other web sites linked to us are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

B. The only information that may be shared between UCG and one of our partner web sites is that which pertains to information used in the furtherance of tracking an order and providing User with correct information regarding same.

C. Order information, including order numbers and amounts, may be available to UCG, affiliate merchants and third party affiliate program management companies, for accurate tracking purposes. This information will not be released by UCG to other parties unless requested by you.

VIII. What About Data Security?

A. UCG recognizes that any data provided by Customer to UCG is extremely important, and UCG shall therefore be particularly sensitive in handling such data. However, no data transmission over the internet or data repository can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while UCG strives to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and cannot be responsible for the theft, destruction or inadvertent disclosure of your personal information. please Please be advised that the UCG website does not use (Secure Socket Layer-SSL) when transferring and receiving Customer/User data through our web site. Accordingly, please keep sensitive communications over the internet to a minimum and take appropriate steps to safeguard your personal information before sending UCG anything via our web site. UCG shall not be liable for any damages, claims or loss incurred by Customer/User resulting from the transfer of information via the UCG web site. Furthermore, Customer/User waives all damages, claims or loss arising out of or relating to the use, transfer or receipt of communications via the UCG web site.

IX. May I See the Information You Collect About Me?

Yes! You may request to review the information we have collected about you by sending an e-mail to Customer Support at We will respond within 24 hours.

X. Can I Opt-out?

A. UCG gives you the option to remove your personally identifiable information from our list of active Users.

B. You may also choose to opt-out of certain communications from UCG, such as our Newsletter.

C. All requests for unsubscribing or opting-out should be made by sending an e-mail to Customer Support at We will respond within 24 hours.

D. UCG is not responsible for removing your personally identifiable information from the lists of any third party partner or advertiser who has previously been provided your information in accordance with this Policy.

XI. Where Is The Web Site Located?

The UCG web site is maintained from within the United States. If you are located outside of the United States, by using our web site, you authorize the export of personally identifiable information to the United States and its storage and use as specified in these Policies. The interpretation and enforcement of these Policies and/or any action arising out of or relating to any web site shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any action arising out of or relating to these Policies shall be filed in the appropriate state court in Pinellas County, Florida or the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida-Tampa Division, for a federal district court proceeding.

XII. Will There Be Changes to this Privacy Policy?

A. UCG reserves the right to amend these Policies at any time that this becomes necessary after their initial release, or in the event that it becomes necessary with respect to additional or amended services provided by UCG.

B. UCG will not personally notify you of any amendments to these Policies. Users are urged to check these Policies frequently in order to determine whether any changes have been made. Users understand and agree that continued use of the UCG web site assumes that they have read and accepted these Policies, as may be amended from time to time.

XIII. Where Can I Access These Policies

These Policies are accessible from the Home Page of the UCG web site, under the link "Privacy Policy.”

XIV. Section Titles

The section titles used in these Policies are purely for convenience and carry with them no legal or contractual effect.

XV. What is the Effective Date of These Policies?

This Policy was last updated on March 1, 2017.